Spring is on the Way!


Spring is coming.

Seeds have been bought and green houses are being prepared for spring planting. Potting soil is being mixed with the Farmer’s secret recipe and as soon as the ground dries out enough tilling will commence!

We are gearing up for our 2017 CSA Season! So be on the look out for updates toward the end of March.

We are planning to add Astoria to our route this year.

If you are in the Astoria area we are looking for a drop spot for our CSA.  It needs to be centrally located. Accessible to our CSA customers from drop off until about 8 or 9pm. A covered porch or carport so the veggies don’t cook in the sun or drown in the rain.  Send me an email or Facebook message and we can discuss the details.

Planting has begun!


Counting down the days to Spring!
