Spring is on the Way!


Spring is coming.

Seeds have been bought and green houses are being prepared for spring planting. Potting soil is being mixed with the Farmer’s secret recipe and as soon as the ground dries out enough tilling will commence!

We are gearing up for our 2017 CSA Season! So be on the look out for updates toward the end of March.

We are planning to add Astoria to our route this year.

If you are in the Astoria area we are looking for a drop spot for our CSA.  It needs to be centrally located. Accessible to our CSA customers from drop off until about 8 or 9pm. A covered porch or carport so the veggies don’t cook in the sun or drown in the rain.  Send me an email or Facebook message and we can discuss the details.

Planting has begun!


Counting down the days to Spring!


Where do I sign up?


Sign up now for the 2024 season of our CSA! This is our 9th year!

We deliver weekly to drop locations in Grays River, Naselle, Long Beach, South Bend/Raymond on Wednesdays and Astoria, Clatskanie (!), Cathlamet (!) on Thursdays. We are so excited to add these two new locations!

Sign Up Forms

Here are the links to our CSA Sign-Up and CSA Preference forms. They can be filled out online and will email you a copy of your response automatically. Once I have your forms, I will email you an invoice that can be paid online using debit/credit, or you can mail a check if you prefer. If you sign up in February/March, I will be billing you in early to mid-April. 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! The best way to contact me is via email: glorybfarms.csa@gmail.com.

Drop Locations & Delivery Dates

Our delivery day for the Farm (Grays River), Naselle, Long Beach and SB/Raymond is WEDNESDAY.  Delivery day for Astoria, Clatskanie and Cathlamet is THURSDAY. The first boxes will go out on Wednesday, June 19th for Grays River, Naselle, Long Beach and SB/Raymond. The first day of deliveries for Astoria, Clatskanie, and Cathlamet locations will be Thursday, June 20th. The season is 23 weeks long. It extends until November 20th/21st.

Size Options & Pricing

There are two different size options for your box: Regular Share (8-12 items) and Small Share (4-6 items). Regular Share boxes are $34 each week; Small Share boxes are $22 each week.

You can sign up for either a Full Season (23 weeks) or Half Season (12 weeks). Full and Half Season prices are:
– Regular Share: $782 for a Full Season, $408 for a Half Season
– Small Share: $506 for a Full Season, $264 for a Half Season
Invoices will be sent through email and must be paid by June 5th. We also accept 6 post-dated checks, one for each month June-November (divided evenly). We appreciate checks since they save us on processing fees!

We do offer a Monthly option at a slightly higher price. However, we encourage you to sign up for our Half Season option instead. This gives you 12 boxes delivered on the dates of your choosing. I will send out a form in mid-May for you to choose your dates, and you can change weeks if something comes up. If you are new to our CSA and unable to commit to a full season, this is an easy, flexible option which is more economical than the monthly plan.

CSA Sign Up Form

CSA Preference Form

If you require a print version of the form, please email me at glorybfarms.csa@gmail.com and I will send you one directly.


How does our CSA work?


Once you complete the CSA Sign-up Form, I will send you your first invoice. 

The exact pick up location and the approximate hours during which you are expected to pick up your box will be emailed you directly as soon as we have those confirmed. We hope to have the pick up locations accessible until 7-8 pm. IMPORTANT CHANGE: Boxes will now be delivered on Wednesdays for Grays River, Naselle, Long Beach and Raymond drop locations. Astoria is the only location that will remain on the Thursday drop-off schedule. 

On delivery days, I will message you via your preferred contact to let you know the approximate ETA to your pick up location. 

You are responsible to pick up your box and leave your empty box each week. If you forget to bring back your box one week we can cover it. If you forget two weeks in a row, we could run into problems. All boxes must be returned at the end of the season. 

All times are approximate. Farming is unpredictable. We will do our best to keep to a schedule, but sometimes cows get out, tractors get stuck, vehicles break down, there’s road construction, or conversations with CSA members happen at drop locations and the Farmer has a tendency to underestimate how long things will take. (It is getting better!) 

If you you have questions or concerns about your box please email me directly at glorybfarms.csa@gmail.com

Each week we will be posting a list of items you can expect in your box, hopefully by Sunday morning. These will appear both on Facebook and our website. We will also be posting recipes that feature items from each week’s boxes. 

If you sign up for a Full Season: After you sign up, I will email an invoice for the full amount which you can either pay online using a credit/debit card or via check. Payment must be received by June 10th. If you are unable to pay the entire amount at the beginning of the season, let us know. We can also accept 6 post-dated checks for the monthly amounts which will then be deposited at the beginning of each month. Less paperwork for us, and easier on your bank account!

If you sign up monthly: I will send out order forms for the coming month on the 20th of each month, which will be due on the 25th. After I receive your order form, I will send you an invoice for that month. (For example, on June 20th I’ll send out order forms for July. Once I’ve received the completed order forms on June 25th, within 24 hours I’ll send invoices for the July payment.) Payment must be received by the first Monday of the month. You can either pay online using a credit/debit card or via check.

If you have a last minute cancellation please email me as soon as you know. No refunds, but a credit for the amount of your box will be given for up to two boxes a season. That credit can be applied to purchasing extra strawberries, bulk items for canning, etc. Requests for an extra flat of berries or additional bulk items must be received by Sunday evening to be delivered the following Wednesday.

Thank you,

Thank you so much for your interest in our new CSA!


We are excited to be able to offer this service to the Grays River, Naselle, Long Beach, and South Bend/Raymond areas.

Get certified organic, locally grown produce delivered to your area weekly — straight from the field to you! We will harvest on Wednesdays, pack up your boxes and deliver on Thursdays. No sitting around warehouses for days before being shipped to your big box store, where by the time you are able to purchase your produce it is already a week old.

We offer both Full Season and Monthly packages. Sign up for a Regular or Small Share, depending on how many items you would like
in your box:

  • Regular Share, 8-12 items, $25/box
  • Small Share, 4-6 items, $15/box

How to sign up?

Here are the links to the sign up and preference forms. They can be filled out online and once submitted will be sent automatically to me. Once I have your forms I will email you an invoice that can be paid online, or you can mail a check if you prefer.

CSA Preference Form

If you need a link to a printable form please let me know. I will send you one directly.

Please bear with us as this is our first year and I am sure there will be a few bumps along the way. We will learn together. If you have any questions feel free to contact us, and check out our Facebook page.

Thank you,

Tom and April Zimmerman