

We don’t normally have extra apple to sell or include in our CSA boxes but this year we had a bumper crop.

Here are a few recipes that use an instant pot. If you don’t have one you can use either your slow cooker or the stove top. It will just take longer.

I was resistant to jump on the Instant Pot bandwagon years ago. My family was shrinking so why did I need one. Well, let me tell you, I am a huge fan!!! In fact I have two at my house and one on loan to my youngest daughter. I use it several times a week. Sometimes I use both of them for a meal. I love that you can brown and cook in the same pan. Enjoy!

Apple-Pear Cider

Apple Cider

Instant Pot Apple Cider Recipe


or Apple Crisp

2 thoughts on “Apples….

  1. Nancy L. Kelly

    I have to try this applesauce with the instapot , I am thinking on giving it a water bath to can so they last longer ,my freezer is full .have you tried that?

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