Loaded Hasselback Zucchini


We love grilled zucchini, zucchini noodles, and zucchini fries. Here is a new twist that I want to try this week since it has cooled down and I am actually willing to use my oven, although I think I could probably do these on the grill as well.

Happy Cooking!


Click on picture for link.



Two similar but slightly different recipes for green bean fries. They are fabulous! You can mix up the seasoning to your preferences. Happy Cooking!

 BAKED GREEN BEAN FRIESIMG_4785editClick on photo for link.

Oven Fried Garlic Parmesan Green Bean Friesparmesan-green-beans1-1-of-1 Click on photo for link.



Here is what you can expect in this week’s box. (Of course, if an item is on your “No” list we will substitute accordingly). BE SURE TO RETURN EMPTY BOXES (folded down) and leave them at the drop location when you pick up your new box.

Keep looking for new recipes each week featuring itemsfrom your box. We would love for you to share your recipes as well.

Projected arrival times: Farm 1:30pm, Naselle 2pm, Long Beach 3pm, Raymond 4pm

BULK ITEMS: Bulk Orders must be received by Wednesday at 10am.


  • Full Flats – $30
  • 1/2 Flats – $15

BULK BEETS: RED, CHIOGGA OR GOLD (minimum order 10#)

  • $1.20 per #

BULK RHUBARB (minimum order 5#)

  • $1.50 per #


  • 5# or more, $2.00 per #
  • 20# or more, $1.75 per #

BULK ZUCCHINI (minimum order 5#)

  • $1.00 per #

PICKLING CUCUMBERS and SEED DILL are available in bulk amounts.

  • Small Pickling Cukes (2-3″) – $2.00 per #
  • Dill Size Pickling Cukes (3-4″) – $1.50 per #
  • Large Pickling Cukes (over 4″) – $1.00 per #
    (Note: Large pickling cukes are great for bread & butter dills or relish!)

DILL HEADS – $2 per bunch

Bulk GREEN CABBAGE or RED CABBAGE: $.90 per pound OR $28 for a 35# box. Great for Sauerkraut!

BULK BASIL: $5 per pound

Email orders to glorybfarms.csa@gmail.com.



1 bunch gold beets (with tops)

1 head of lettuce

1-2# rhubarb

artichokes (quantity dependent of size)

1 bunch of spinach

2-3 slicer cucumbers

1 bunch of rainbow lacinato kale

1-2# zucchini

1 bunch of broccoli

1# green beans

1 bunch of basil

1 pint of cherry tomatoes



1-2# zucchini

1# green beans

1 head of lettuce

1 bunch of gold beets (with tops)

1 bunch of basil

1 pint of cherry tomatoes



Here is what you can expect in this week’s box. (Of course, if an item is on your “No” list we will substitute accordingly). BE SURE TO RETURN EMPTY BOXES (folded down) and leave them at the drop location when you pick up your new box.

Keep looking for new recipes each week featuring itemsfrom your box. We would love for you to share your recipes as well.

Projected arrival times: Farm 1:30, Naselle 2pm, Long Beach 3pm, Raymond 4pm

BULK ITEMS: Bulk Orders must be received by Wednesday at 10am.

We have extra STRAWBERRIES available this week!

  • Full Flats – $30
  • 1/2 Flats – $15


  • 5# or more, $2.00 per pound
  • 20# or more, $1.75 per pound

PICKLING CUCUMBERS and SEED DILL are available in bulk amounts.

  • Small Pickling Cukes (2-3″) – $2.00 per #
  • Dill Size Pickling Cukes (3-4″) – $1.50 per #
  • Large Pickling Cukes (over 4″) – $1.00 per #
    (Note: Large pickling cukes are great for bread & butter dills or relish!)

DILL HEADS – $2 per bunch

Bulk GREEN CABBAGE – $.90 per pound or $28 for a 35# box. Great for Sauerkraut!

BULK BASIL $5 per pound

BULK GARLIC $5 per pound

Email orders to glorybfarms.csa@gmail.com.



1 bunch chioggia beets NEW CROP with tops

1# green beans

1 head of lettuce

1 bunch of basil

1-2# zucchini

1 bunch of broccoli

3 slicer cucumbers

3-4 lemon cucumbers

artichokes (quantity dependent on size)

1 bunch of lacinato kale

1 pint of cherry tomatoes

1 pint of strawberries



1# green beans

1 head of lettuce

3 slicer cucumbers

1-2# zucchini

artichokes (quantity dependent on size)

1 pint of strawberries

Claussen Kosher Pickles Copy Cat

I made these last summer and was happy with how they turned out. My girls can go through a jar of day. I personally prefer fermented pickles over canned ones, but I have access to a huge walk in cooler.
Claussen Kosher Pickles Copy Cat
  • 1 gallon pickling cucumbers
  • 1⁄3 cup instant minced onion
  • 6 garlic cloves, minced (I did whole and added more)
  • 1⁄2 tablespoon mustard seeds
  • Peppercorns (I added about 1/4 tsp to each jar)
  • 6 heads fresh seed dill (I added more)
  • 1 1⁄2 quarts water
  • 2 cups cider vinegar
  • 1⁄2 cup canning salt
  1. Slice cucumbers lengthwise into quarters (I left them whole but did cut the tips off which is supposed to help keep them crispy); add to sterilized jars along with the dill.
  2. Boil liquids and seasonings to dissolve the salt then cool.
  3. Pour over pickles and let sit on counter for three days shaking or turning them occasionally,
  4. Refrigerate. He said they keep for a year.

AUGUST 18th CSA Boxes: PLUS bulk items for canning and preserving


Here is what you can expect in this week’s box. (Of course, if an item is on your “No” list we will substitute accordingly). BE SURE TO RETURN EMPTY BOXES (folded down) and leave them at the drop location when you pick up your new box.

As usual, you can look forward to some new recipes featuring items in this week’s box. We would love for you to share your recipes as well.

Projected arrival times: Farm 1:30, Naselle 2pm, Long Beach 3pm, Raymond 4pm


We have extra STRAWBERRIES available this week! (Finally!!!)

  • Full Flats – $30
  • 1/2 Flats – $15

PICKLING CUCUMBERS and SEED DILL are available in bulk amounts.

  • Small Pickling Cukes (2-3″) – $2.00 per #
  • Dill Size Pickling Cukes (3-4″) – $1.50 per #
  • Large Pickling Cukes (over 4″) – $1.00 per #
    (Note: Large pickling cukes are great for bread & butter dills or relish!)

DILL HEADS – $2 per bunch

Bulk GREEN CABBAGE – $. 90 per pound or $28 for a 35# box. Great for Sauerkraut!

BULK BASIL $5 per pound

BULK GARLIC $5 per pound

Email orders to glorybfarms.csa@gmail.com.



1 bunch red beets NEW CROP with tops

1# green beans (First picking!)

1 head lettuce

1 bunch spinach

1 bunch rainbow chard

1 bunch cilantro

1-2# zucchini

1 bunch broccoli

3 slicer cucumbers

1-2# picking cucumbers

1# English peas or 1/2 snow peas

1 pint strawberries



1 bunch red beets NEW CROP with tops

1# green beans (First picking!)

1 head of lettuce

3 slicer cucumbers

1-2# zucchini

1# English peas or 1/2# snow peas




Artichoke Recipes!

This is the first year we have grown artichokes and they are AMAZING. So young and so tender. I am used to the big globe artichoke you pick up at the store. I always thought they were a lot of work by the time you trimmed them and scooped out the furry inside, but these young artichokes are so tender and easy -just quickly trim the pointy ends with scissors. They are small enough that there is no furry inside. So I have just popped them into the steamer and cooked until tender. We love to dip them in lemon butter.
Here are a few recipes I want to try: Grilled Artichokes with Garlic Parmesan and Roasted Baby Artichokes!
Click photos to open the link in a new tab.


Low-Fuss, High-Reward Roasted Baby Artichokes

Low-Fuss, High-Reward Roasted Baby Artichokes

August 11 CSA Boxes PLUS: Bulk items for canning and preserving


Here is what you can expect in this week’s box. (Of course, if an item is on your “No” list we will substitute accordingly). BE SURE TO RETURN EMPTY BOXES (folded down) and leave them at the drop location when you pick up your new box.

As usual, you can look forward to some new recipes featuring items in this week’s box. We would love for you to share your recipes as well.

Projected arrival times: Farm 1:30, Naselle 2pm, Long Beach 3pm, Raymond 4pm


We have extra STRAWBERRIES available this week! (Finally!!!)

  • Full Flats – $30
  • 1/2 Flats – $15

PICKLING CUCUMBERS and SEED DILL are available in bulk amounts.

  • Small Pickling Cukes (2-3″) – $2.00 per #
  • Dill Size Pickling Cukes (3-4″) – $1.50 per #
  • Large Pickling Cukes (over 4″) – $1.00 per #
    (Note: Large pickling cukes are great for bread & butter dills or relish!)

DILL HEADS – $2 per bunch

Bulk GREEN CABBAGE – $. 90 per pound or $28 for a 35# box. Great for Sauerkraut!

Email orders to glorybfarms.csa@gmail.com.



1 head lettuce

1 bunch spinach

1 bunch cilantro

1 bunch green onions

artichokes (quantity dependent on size)

1 bunch lacinato kale

1-2# pickling cucumbers

1-2# zucchini

1/2# snow peas

1# English Peas

2-3 lemon cucumbers

1 pint strawberries



1 head lettuce

1 bunch spinach

1 bunch green onion

artichokes (quantity dependent on size)

1-2# pickling cucumbers

1/2# snow peas


Blueberry Zucchini Cake with Lemon Buttercream


The “original” veggie girl aka Abby made this cake a few weeks ago. (It warms my mama’s heart to envision her baking in her little apartment on Capital Hill. Abby just graduated this May from Cornish College of the Arts with a B.A. of Fine Arts in Dance.)

We are excited to try it!  She recommended adding extra lemon juice to the frosting for a stronger lemon flavor.

FullSizeRender(Click on photo for link to recipe.)